Autumn Fun on the Farm

Autumn Fun Trail
Autumn on Abhainn Ri is a great season for nature; red, yellow and orange leaves are falling, crab apples and conkers are waiting to be collected, bugs, slugs and emigrating birds are out and about.  Pull on your wellies and head out on a Autumn hunt on our farm trail!
Kids will love exploring and searching for leaves of every colour, spider webs, pine cones, conkers, acorns, slugs, snails or a rarely spotted but highly coveted hedgehog.  Write a list and tick off anything they spot, and collect items if they can. Give it a halloween twist and add pumpkins, bats, creepy crawlies and spooky characters to your list.



Abhainn Rí,
Co. Wicklow,
W91 W2P1


+353 86 837 2061



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