Mindfulness in Nature

At Abhainn Ri mindfulness has become part of our daily life and it allows us to live and enjoy the moment.   We are located in an area with so much nature and beauty.  It is so lovely to be able to spend time outdoors observing the landscape, watching tiny birds, finding wild flowers, viewing the beautiful skies by cloud watching, visiting the farm animals, following the trails through the fields to the lakeshore and simply being present.
Walking Mindfulness
Walking through the countryside are therapeutic, combining gentle movement in nature with mindfulness. This can be practiced by walking silently on a trail through the fields or along the shoreline or up to the viewing bench at the hightest point on the farm.
Take note of your surroundings – what you see, hear, smell, taste, feel. Allow your thoughts to pass without attaching to one in particular. If you find you’re getting distracted, that’s fine!
Start again with bringing your attention to the present moment.
Feelings of awe or wonder, gratitude and appreciation often bubble up when giving such attention to nature.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Abhainn Rí,
Co. Wicklow,
W91 W2P1

Điện Thoại

+353 86 837 2061



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Gọi Chúng Tôi

+353 86 837 2061

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